Categories: Blog


Andy Cagle


If you go to any company, you will hear the word “culture” bandied around a lot; human resources departments and hiring managers love to talk about workplace culture in interviews. 

But what does it really mean? For many companies, unfortunately, creating a positive culture simply means they roll out the occasional office pizza party and send a monthly email listing employee birthdays.

We believe differently. For LSQ, a positive company culture relies on transparency, empathy, flexibility, and fostering an environment that allows for diversity of thought and curiosity. Those are the traits we value in our interactions with customers and partners, so it’s crucial for us to ingrain them in how we do business internally. 

And, our focus on creating a positive culture is paying off: LSQ was recently named one of Central Florida’s 2022 Top Workplaces by the Orlando Sentinel. The sole basis of the recognition is based on a survey of LSQ’s employees. Top Work Places 2022 - Orlando Sentinel

“The employee experience needs to be on the mission-critical list,” said Eric Rubino, CEO of Energage, the research company that conducted the survey for the Orlando Sentinel. “By giving employees a voice and showcasing an authentic culture, organizations can attract those job seekers who complement their culture. Culture drives performance.”

For 2022, 106 employers made the winners list. Energage invited 2,177 organizations to participate, and they were eligible provided they had 35 or more employees in the region.

To be named to the Top Workplaces list is one of the highest honors we could receive. Without happy, engaged employees, there would be no LSQ. To be recognized is proof positive that we are not only saying the right things but that we are truly living our values.

The Need to Over Communicate

The survey showed that, in many cases, employees felt less clued-in to what their company was doing – a natural byproduct of the work-from-home paradigm forced by the pandemic. This was something LSQ recognized early and made efforts to redouble the amount of two-way communication with employees. 

Even though we were no longer in one physical location, we had to ensure employee voices were being heard. To facilitate sharing, LSQ committed to regular virtual all-hands meetings and town halls to keep in contact, in addition to regularly smaller-team video meetings and extensive communication over Slack channels

It wasn’t just about company and work updates. It was about checking in on each other and making sure we, as a company, were doing everything we could to help everyone be successful and navigate a tough time.

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